home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include "help.h"
- #include "environment.h"
- #include "popup.h"
- #include "util.h"
- #include "buttons.h"
- #include "text twiddling.h"
- #include "program globals.h"
- #include "window layer.h"
- #include "graphics.h"
- #define DEAD_SPACE_TOP 10
- #define DEAD_SPACE_LEFT 10
- #define DEAD_SPACE_RIGHT 10
- #define TEXT_RECT_WIDTH 405
- #define TEXT_RECT_HEIGHT 250
- #define BUTTON_WIDTH 80
- #define BUTTON_HEIGHT 17
- #define BUTTON_GAP_H 15
- #define BUTTON_GAP_V 5
- #define MAX_MAIN_TOPICS 5
- #define MAX_SUB_TOPICS 6
- #define MAIN_TOPIC_ID 600
- #define POPUP_MENU_ID 100
- short gMainTopicShowing; /* saved in prefs file */
- short gSubTopicShowing; /* saved in prefs file */
- static short gNumMainTopics;
- static short gNumSubTopics[MAX_MAIN_TOPICS];
- static Str31 gMainTopicTitle[MAX_MAIN_TOPICS];
- static Rect gMainTopicRect[MAX_MAIN_TOPICS];
- static Str31 gSubTopicTitle[MAX_MAIN_TOPICS][MAX_SUB_TOPICS];
- static short gSubTopicID[MAX_MAIN_TOPICS][MAX_SUB_TOPICS];
- static Rect gTextRect;
- static Handle gTheText;
- static Handle gTheStyle;
- static Boolean gSetupDone=FALSE;
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* internal stuff for help.c */
- static short ParseRawTitle(Str255 theTitle);
- static void GoToPage(WindowPtr theWindow, short mainTopic, short subTopic,
- Boolean updateNow);
- static void GetTextResources(short mainTopic, short subTopic);
- static void DisposeTextResources(void);
- void SetupTheHelpWindow(WindowPtr theWindow)
- {
- short i,j;
- unsigned char *titleStr="\pHelp";
- Handle temp;
- short strID;
- Point thePoint;
- SetWindowMaxDepth(theWindow, 8);
- SetWindowDepth(theWindow, 8);
- SetWindowType(theWindow, noGrowDocProc);
- SetWindowHasCloseBox(theWindow, TRUE);
- thePoint.v=50;
- thePoint.h=6;
- SetWindowTopLeft(theWindow, thePoint);
- SetWindowIsFloat(theWindow, FALSE);
- SetWindowTitle(theWindow, titleStr);
- SetWindowAutoCenter(theWindow, FALSE);
- if (gSetupDone)
- return;
- temp=GetResource('STR#', MAIN_TOPIC_ID);
- gNumMainTopics=**((short**)temp);
- ReleaseResource(temp);
- for (i=0; i<gNumMainTopics; i++)
- {
- GetIndString(gMainTopicTitle[i], MAIN_TOPIC_ID, i+1);
- strID=ParseRawTitle(gMainTopicTitle[i]);
- for (j=0; j<5; j++)
- gMainTopicTitle[i][++gMainTopicTitle[i][0]]=' ';
- SetRect( &gMainTopicRect[i],
- temp=GetResource('STR#', strID);
- gNumSubTopics[i]=**((short**)temp);
- ReleaseResource(temp);
- for (j=0; j<gNumSubTopics[i]; j++)
- {
- GetIndString(gSubTopicTitle[i][j], strID, j+1);
- gSubTopicID[i][j]=ParseRawTitle(gSubTopicTitle[i][j]);
- }
- }
- gTheText=0L;
- gTheStyle=0L;
- gSetupDone=TRUE;
- }
- void OpenTheHelpWindow(WindowPtr theWindow)
- {
- TEHandle hTE;
- Rect destRect, viewRect;
- hTE=GetWindowTE(theWindow);
- if (hTE==0L)
- {
- destRect=gTextRect;
- viewRect=destRect;
- hTE=TEStyleNew(&destRect, &viewRect);
- SetWindowTE(theWindow, hTE);
- TESetSelect(0, 0, hTE);
- TEAutoView(TRUE, hTE);
- TESelView(hTE);
- GoToPage(theWindow, gMainTopicShowing, gSubTopicShowing, FALSE);
- }
- }
- void ShutDownTheHelpWindow(void)
- {
- DisposeTextResources();
- }
- void DisposeTheHelpWindow(WindowPtr theWindow)
- {
- TEHandle hTE;
- hTE=GetWindowTE(theWindow);
- if (hTE!=0L)
- {
- TEDispose(hTE);
- SetWindowTE(theWindow, 0L);
- }
- }
- void KeyPressedInHelpWindow(WindowPtr theWindow, unsigned char keyPressed)
- {
- ObscureCursor();
- switch (keyPressed)
- {
- case 0x1d: /* right arrow */
- gSubTopicShowing++;
- if (gSubTopicShowing>=gNumSubTopics[gMainTopicShowing])
- {
- gSubTopicShowing=0;
- gMainTopicShowing++;
- if (gMainTopicShowing>=gNumMainTopics)
- gMainTopicShowing=0;
- }
- GoToPage(theWindow, gMainTopicShowing, gSubTopicShowing, TRUE);
- break;
- case 0x1c: /* left arrow */
- gSubTopicShowing--;
- if (gSubTopicShowing<0)
- {
- gMainTopicShowing--;
- if (gMainTopicShowing<0)
- gMainTopicShowing=gNumMainTopics-1;
- gSubTopicShowing=gNumSubTopics[gMainTopicShowing]-1;
- }
- GoToPage(theWindow, gMainTopicShowing, gSubTopicShowing, TRUE);
- break;
- }
- }
- void MouseClickedInHelpWindow(WindowPtr theWindow, Point mouseLoc)
- {
- short i;
- short newMain, newSub;
- MenuHandle theMenu;
- Rect menuRect;
- newMain=-1;
- for (i=0; i<gNumMainTopics; i++)
- {
- if (PtInRect(mouseLoc, &gMainTopicRect[i]))
- {
- newMain=i;
- i=gNumMainTopics;
- }
- }
- if (newMain!=-1)
- {
- Draw3DButton(&gMainTopicRect[newMain], gMainTopicTitle[newMain], 0L,
- GetWindowDepth(theWindow), TRUE, TRUE);
- theMenu=NewMenu(POPUP_MENU_ID, "\p");
- for (i=0; i<gNumSubTopics[newMain]; i++)
- {
- AppendMenu(theMenu, gSubTopicTitle[newMain][i]);
- CheckItem(theMenu, i+1, ((newMain==gMainTopicShowing) && (i==gSubTopicShowing)));
- }
- menuRect.top=gMainTopicRect[newMain].bottom-1;
- menuRect.left=gMainTopicRect[newMain].left+1;
- newSub=-1;
- if (MouseInModelessPopUp(theMenu, &newSub, &menuRect, POPUP_MENU_ID))
- {
- GoToPage(theWindow, newMain, newSub-1, TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- Draw3DButton(&gMainTopicRect[newMain], gMainTopicTitle[newMain], 0L,
- GetWindowDepth(theWindow), FALSE, TRUE);
- }
- DisposeHandle((Handle)theMenu);
- }
- }
- void DrawTheHelpWindow(WindowPtr theWindow, short theDepth)
- {
- GrafPtr curPort;
- short i;
- Rect tempRect;
- curPort=(GrafPtr)theWindow;
- EraseRect(&(curPort->portRect));
- tempRect=gTextRect;
- InsetRect(&tempRect, -4, -4);
- tempRect.right+=4;
- DrawTheShadowBox(tempRect, TRUE);
- for (i=0; i<gNumMainTopics; i++)
- {
- Draw3DButton(&gMainTopicRect[i], gMainTopicTitle[i], 0L, theDepth, FALSE, TRUE);
- }
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------- */
- /* the rest of these are internal to help.c */
- static short ParseRawTitle(Str255 theTitle)
- {
- Str255 numStr;
- long result;
- numStr[0]=0x00;
- while ((numStr[numStr[0]]=theTitle[++numStr[0]])!=' ') {}
- theTitle[0]-=numStr[0];
- Mymemcpy((Ptr)&theTitle[1], (Ptr)&theTitle[numStr[0]+1], theTitle[0]);
- numStr[0]--;
- StringToNum(numStr, &result);
- return result;
- }
- static void GoToPage(WindowPtr theWindow, short mainTopic, short subTopic,
- Boolean updateNow)
- {
- StScrpHandle styles;
- TEHandle hTE;
- SignedByte savedState;
- long textLength;
- DisposeTextResources();
- GetTextResources(mainTopic, subTopic);
- styles=(StScrpHandle)gTheStyle;
- if (styles!=0L)
- savedState=HGetState((Handle)styles);
- hTE=GetWindowTE(theWindow);
- if (gTheText!=0L)
- {
- ZapDrawHook(hTE);
- HLockHi(gTheText);
- textLength=GetHandleSize(gTheText);
- SetTheText(theWindow, *gTheText, textLength);
- HUnlock(gTheText);
- if (styles!=0L)
- {
- TEUseStyleScrap(0, GetHandleSize(gTheText), styles, TRUE, hTE);
- HSetState((Handle)styles, savedState);
- }
- (**hTE).destRect=(**hTE).viewRect=gTextRect;
- TECalText(hTE);
- RestoreDrawHook(hTE);
- }
- gMainTopicShowing=mainTopic;
- gSubTopicShowing=subTopic;
- if (updateNow)
- {
- InvalRect(&(theWindow->portRect));
- }
- }
- static void GetTextResources(short mainTopic, short subTopic)
- {
- short resID;
- DisposeTextResources();
- resID=gSubTopicID[mainTopic][subTopic];
- gTheText=GetResource('TEXT', resID);
- if (gTheText!=0L)
- DetachResource(gTheText);
- gTheStyle=GetResource('styl', resID);
- if (gTheStyle!=0L)
- DetachResource(gTheStyle);
- }
- static void DisposeTextResources(void)
- {
- if (gTheText!=0L)
- DisposeHandle(gTheText);
- if (gTheStyle!=0L)
- DisposeHandle(gTheStyle);
- gTheText=0L;
- gTheStyle=0L;
- }